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Eera event 09 February 2023 - Brussels

The future of nuclear materials: ORIENT-NM final meeting

This event is the last step of ORIENT-NM's open dialogue with all relevant stakeholders on the future of nuclear materials research

The Euratom-funded ORIENT-NM project is pleased to invite you to its final meeting which will take place on 9 March 2023 in Brussels and online. 

This event is the last instance, in the frame of the ORIENT-NM project, to hold an open dialogue among the nuclear materials research community with all the relevant stakeholders to explore the next steps within a co-funded European partnership (CEP) on nuclear materials.

Objectives of the workshop

  • To present the latest results of ORIENT-NM work: its vision and Strategic Research Agenda (SRA), the proposed governance and structure, and the possible interactions of the future CEP with external stakeholders. 
  • To provide the opportunity for the European Commission to communicate recommendations and for Member States’ representatives to express interest and support in connection with the upcoming CEP on nuclear materials.

All of the above with the purpose of facilitating and making more efficient the preparation of a common project proposal after the end of ORIENT-NM. 


Additional details will become available progressively. However, in light of organisational purposes, ORIENT-NM aims to understand the potential interest of relevant stakeholders in participating in this meeting. 

For this reason, we kindly ask you to indicate your interest by clicking on the "Register" button below and filling out the form.

Thank you for your valuable support!

Practical information


09 Feb 2023


10:00 AM - 4:00 PM




Maria Luisa Fernandez

Joint Programmes

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